Do you offer free shipping?

- Yes, we offer free shipping within Australia and Netherlands. Check our Shipping Policy for more information.

What is your return & refund policy?

- You can find our Return & Refund policy here.

When will I get paid after returning my product?

- Once we receive your returned item, you will get refunded within 7 days. Check our Return & Refund policy for more information.

How can I track my order?

- You can track your order using our Track Order page.

Do you ship internationally?

- No, we only ship our products to Australia for the time being.

What if I receive a defective product?

- Rest assured, if you receive a defective product, we'll replace it free of charge but you need to inform us and return your product within 30 days. Check our Return & Refund policy for more information.

Can I cancel my order after I've placed it?

- We offer a 24-hour cancellation window after placing your order. If you change your mind within this time, please let us know and we'll cancel your order for you.

Do you offer any warranties or guarantees on your products?

- We stand by the quality of our products and offer a 30-day warranty on all purchases. Check our Return & Refund policy for more information.

How can I contact customer support?

- You can contact our customer support team by visiting our contact page, where you can find a contact form to fill and submit or you can send us an email.

How do I know if an item is in stock?

- If you can add an item to your cart, it's in stock and ready to be shipped to you.

Do you have a physical store location that I can visit?

- We're an online-only store, which allows us to offer the best prices and selection to our customers.

Can I bulk order for my business or organization?

- Yes, you can! Please contact our customer support team for more information on bulk ordering.

How long will it take to receive my order?

- You can check our Shipping Policy for more information.

15. What is the process for exchanging a product?

- You can check ourReturn & Refund policy for more information.